Hi! I’m Nicholas Boucher - Technologist, Scientist, and Leader from Harvard…

Here you will find my resume...

I am a recent Harvard graduate who uses technology to promote efficiency and make the world a better place.

I've traveled the world. I've studied everything from Computer Science and Neurobiology to Economics and Psychology. Mankind has done so much, yet we have so much to do. I believe that if we are determined, we can do anything.

Skills & abilities
Public Speaking
Python, C, C#, Java, JS
Jobs & Education
09.2019 -
Commerce + Ecosystem Security
06.2018 - 09.2018
Software Engineering Intern
05.2017 - 11.2017
ProMazo Consulting
Lead Developer, NBC Universal International
05.2017 - 07.2017
U.S. House of Representatives
Congressional Intern
08.2016 - 12.2016
Harvard CS50
Teaching Fellow
06.2016 - 07.2016
Thales e-Security
Engineering Intern
08.2015 - 05.2019
Harvard University
Computer Science '19
06.2015 - 08.2015
Western & Southern Financial Group
INTERalliance Intern
Research Interest
Machine Learning
Current Research

Unikernel Security via SFI
Debugging unikernels – compiled binaries that efficiently bundle application code and application-required OS components within the same address space and privilege level – proves difficult in the absence of a full-fledged OS. Software Fault Isolation (SFI) is a set of well-defined, assembly-language-specific application binary restrictions which allow fine-grained memory access control. Our work adapts traditional SFI to unikernel compilation such that remote debugging instrumentation can persist after application code faults via a novel SFI x86 compiler target.

Cryptovote is a web-based, Single-Transferable Vote (STV) election system which uses partially homomorphic encryption, multi-authority support, and zero-knowledge proofs to provide guarantees of ballot secrecy and elected candidate correctness. The work combines the Damgård-Jurik cryptosystem and the ShuffleSum algorithm into a soon-to-be production ready, open-source platform.

Hobbies & Interests


Tech & Perspective
Watch My Documentary


Exploration & Adventure


Art & Storytelling
Comedy Production
As Seen On
And here's some of my organizations...
Check me out on GitHub!
Featured Project
  • Used by Harvard Undergraduate Council
  • Saved $100,000.00+ Through Use
  • Fully Open Source
Featured Project
  • Cryptographic Voting
  • Homomorphic Encryption
  • Single Transferable Vote
Here's What People Say About Me…

They say hire people smarter than you - it's been my pleasure to have Nicholas Boucher run circles around me every day since we started working together.

Evan Doney
ProMazo Consulting

Nick not only is exceptionally bright; he is extremely motivated. He exhibits a wealth of maturity, presence, and class that will serve him well.

Steve Oldfield
Fox Broadcasting Company

He is inquisitive and innovative, perceptive and inventive, a young visionary destined for greatness.

Pamela McQueen
Executive Director, Villa Madonna Academy
Some of my latest posts… more to come soon!

Classes Have Begun

Senior Spring


Stay in touch with me!
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Microsoft Building 83
Redmond, WA 98052
United States of America
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